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Pros and Cons of Industrial and Manufacturing Digital Technology If you contribute to the industrial and manufacturing industry you may have considered implementing digital technology into your business. There's always a fear of the unknown and it's quite common to feel hesitant about trying something new. We created this site to help you decide if a changeover to digital technology is right for your business model. We've researched the advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation by examining data, case studies, and speaking with manufacturing heads who have already embraced the transition. As you read the articles in this blog, you'll gain valuable insight into cost performance, productivity rates and quality enhancements of digital technology. We hope that by providing this information it will help you decide if a digital transformation is in your near future.

Good Features To Look For In An Industrial Air Filtration System

Indoor air quality is just as important to have a safe workplace for your employees as anything else, but many times, tending to the quality of the air is something that gets overlooked. In some industrial operations, the use of heavy equipment and machinery leads to dangerous and toxic compounds in the air employees are breathing. Investing in a really good indoor industrial air filtration system is one of the best decisions businesses can make for the health and safety of their workplace. Of course, not all industrial air filtration systems are created equal. The best models will have specific attributes to boast. 

Multiple-Stage Filter Chamber 

A single-stage filter chamber is going to be less expensive, but air filtration units with only a single phase of filtration are simply not as efficient at removing particulate or contaminants from the air. It is best if you seek out a system that can give you multiple-stage filtration. Some of the most innovative models will have multiple filter points utilizing multiple types of filters and each filter can capture different types of matter. These systems can be a little harder to maintain, but they are the units that are most likely to give you a good indoor air quality result during operation. 

Portability Features 

Yes, an indoor filtration unit for an industrial operation can be rather large in comparison to some other unit that is designed for only residential purposes. However, just because something is large, it does not mean that it cannot be portable or mobile. The best models will be outfitted with steel casters and swivel wheels so the machine can easily be maneuvered into place wherever you need to use it within your workplace. The filtration systems that are not portable can be cumbersome and require reconfiguration just to make a permanent place for it to stay. 

Carbon Canisters Included 

Carbon canisters are not always required; they work best for facilities that have high concentrations of chemicals in the air. However, they are still incredibly useful to have incorporated into your air filtration system for an industrial setup. Carbon canisters contain carbon particles that neutralize the contaminants and contain them properly so they are not released back out into the air and can be disposed of properly. The systems that have larger canisters can collect more particulate matter before they have to be emptied, so the larger the canisters are the better. 

