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Pros and Cons of Industrial and Manufacturing Digital Technology If you contribute to the industrial and manufacturing industry you may have considered implementing digital technology into your business. There's always a fear of the unknown and it's quite common to feel hesitant about trying something new. We created this site to help you decide if a changeover to digital technology is right for your business model. We've researched the advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation by examining data, case studies, and speaking with manufacturing heads who have already embraced the transition. As you read the articles in this blog, you'll gain valuable insight into cost performance, productivity rates and quality enhancements of digital technology. We hope that by providing this information it will help you decide if a digital transformation is in your near future.

Common Issues With Pipeline Construction You Should Know

One of the most complex construction projects in the world is building an oil and gas pipeline. There are many issues that can arise during the construction that you have to try to avoid so you can keep the project on an even schedule. The following are some examples of the more common challenges pipeline construction can encounter:

Current Infrastructure Is Not Ideal

One issue you may face as you construct a new pipeline is having to deal with the current infrastructure in place. Many of the new pipelines have to be built in a place that already has the infrastructure for an old pipeline. There are a variety of issues that you have to contend with if you have to add on to existing pipeline. You may have to deal with old pipeline that cannot support the existing technology. You have to be able to add new pipeline in with the infrastructure that is there or replace it if necessary.

Dealing with Imminent Domain and Right of Way

Pipeline constriction happens over thousands of miles of land. One of the major issues is dealing with imminent domain and right of way when it comes to the construction of the pipeline. Imminent domain prevents landowners from fighting the construction of the pipeline, which does not seem like it would be a problem for the construction. However, there is more to the construction than just the pipeline itself. There are additional lines and wells that feed into the pipeline construction within each state. You have to secure a right of way agreement with individual landowners to move forward on these components. If you do not do this ahead of time and anticipate potential problems, your pipeline construction can be severely impacted.

Environmental Factors

Another possible issue for pipeline construction is the navigation through rough terrain and land. Pipelines are thousands of miles long and have to contend with all types of land. In addition to the changes in land topography, you also have to think about the soil type and how often it is subject to erosion, whether or not the soil is rocky and how you can modify the plan, and if extreme weather in a certain area can impact the construction. Elevation changes can also have an impact on the overall construction of the pipeline. If you have not planned and prepared for any potential issue that can arise regarding the land, terrain, and environment, your project can be delayed.

Be sure to set up a schedule for pipeline maintenance with a company like Guildner Pipeline Maintenance .
